judyvaughan 21st October 2009

happy thanks giving dad , was over to see you and did a stroll through the grave yard it's amazing the people that have died since you . had mom and them over with cliffs' mom for thanks giving it was nice but as we ate dinner we all longed to have you with us how we all loved to eat the dressing before mom and you could get it in the turkey.last night I put up my Halloween things and thought of all the pumpkin man you use to make .I glad to have these memories of every event that we celebrate I to try to leave lasting memories with my family .My tears don't follow as much as they use to, but there is still a part of my heart that hurts and always will,I held your red sweater to me the other day just to have you closer to me, I love you dad I wish I had said it more often to you , talk soon love Judy xoxo