From Diane on 09/02/2010

Hi Dad, just wanted to wish you happy birthday. I miss you and think of you often. I was offered a full-time job at the new Shannex due to open in March. I am just picking up shifts until they open at the Kentville site. My marks we among the highest in my class, highest was a 97 and lowest was a 94, I know you were looking down upon me the whole course. I remember once we were talking and you told me never sell myself short go after what you want, you always said I was just as good as anyone out there. I always think of you when things get tough and all the things you use to say to me and those words always help me through. Well graduation is this month, I know you will be with me. Well must be going got to work tomorrow night talk soon I love and miss you Dad Love Chippy xoxox