peterspencer 22nd March 2010

Hi Dad, was just thinking about some of the old days. How we used to meet you down town on Friday nights, do our shopping, walk around town and then get a taxi and go home. How things change, would sure love to have some of those old days back. I hope you knew what a great Dad and Husband you were. You always made sure Mom had whatever she wanted, even when she got sick. You looked after her so well Dad, Debbie too. We all should be so thankful that Debbie looks after Mom. She gives her all the best of everything. Debbie always keeps the old traditions going, like Christmas, Easter and Birthdays. Debbie always makes sure that everyone gets something from you and Mom. You would be so happy and proud of her. Today is one year seven months Dad, Monday the 22nd. I hate this day, it reminds me that you're not here. I so wish you were still here with us but I am so thankful for all the good memories we have. Love always Donna. Until we meet again, love you Dad so much. Miss you lots. I will be over to visit when I come home.