judyvaughan 3rd August 2011

hi dad it's been along time Johnny's 50th was great had a lot of fun as sue and I put up the decorations we laughed a we thought of some of the comments you have said at different things we did . You were in all of our thoughts that night and missed you . Bobby is doing much better now thank God for that a lot of prayers were said over those few weeks.I am so waiting for you special party coming up it will be so nice for all of us together which we don't do that very much. Timmy is doing really good I think what happened to Bobby gave him a little scare so wish he could be home for the party. Mom spent the other night with me so Deb and Cliff could celebrate their anniversary they don't get very much time alone, I played charlie pride tapes for her I asked if she remembered them she smiled and said yes they brought back a lot of memories , well just wanted to say hi love and miss you very much love Judy xoxo